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Eagle Bay staging/riding area guidance

  • 28 Jun 2022 4:24 AM
    Message # 12831143
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Just wanted to post an FYI about the Eagle Bay staging and riding area since  a few of these issues have come up from time to time: 

    There is absolutely no riding on paved roads or county maintained or owned dirt roads in and around Eagle Bay (Fitzhugh Lane, specifically). Doing so seriously jeopardizes our permission to continue riding in the area and violations will result in punitive actions. If you have a legally plated bike, we ask that you only ride your motorcycle in and out of the area once, not during your session at EB. The neighbors that report on us aren't ignorant and know the difference, so this is about keeping a low profile. Also, mind your speed. They will call about a fast or loud bike over almost any other violation.

    There is only one emergency bailout on the long loop side of the trails (on the fire-break road), which is strictly for emergency egress out of the woods for downed riders. If your bike is broken or dead, you either leave it at the fire road gate and pick it up later with a truck, or push it all the way back to the staging area. We can no longer allow anyone to ride their dirt bikes through the neighborhood. No exceptions!

    The only way you should be getting into and out of the woods is on the trails. If you get lost then it is your responsibility to find your way out. If you are unfamiliar with the trails, then please ask to ride with someone until you are competent on how the trails work. If you are sponsoring someone to ride or to become a new member, you are expected to inform them of the club rules. 

    The staging area is technically 100 yards of grassland surrounding the telephone pole in the middle of the field (aka- approximately where the entrance to the short loop is located). We are not allowed to ride on the dirt/gravel road (Fitzhugh Lane). The end of the grass track is as far south as we are allowed to ride outside of the woods. The cleared field south of the grass track is leased by someone else and is out of bounds to WATR members and guests. The only bailout for the short loop is along the treeline (You better be out of gas, injured, or have a real emergency in order to use that route) You can expect to be reprimanded if you are caught riding along the ridge near the first houses and on the dirt road that leads down from the beginning of the neighborhood to the staging area. Stay out of the fields or roads on the west side of the staging area. There is still a court-ordered 200 yard covenant (aka-keep-out zone) by the first house on the corner of Fitzhugh Lane (8023) so please, don't get us into legal complications by encroaching on that lot. 

    Club members do not have waterfront or river access from the staging area. These are the common areas for the neighborhood residents and are off limits without being granted permission by the landowner(s) or neighbor(s). This includes any family members or spectators that may accompany you to the staging area. 

    Lastly, the staging area speed limit is 15mph (2nd gear on most bikes), but this is mostly to keep noise levels low. If you want to go fast, do wheelies, or any other hooligan stuff, head into the woods. Be mindful of the noise you are creating and remember that we are guests in someone else's yard. Don't screw it up for everyone by being "that guy". 

    This doesn't encompass all the rules in the bylaws, but hopefully it's a good reminder of the worst of the worst situations at EB.


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